Yet another very useful tip for people who serve services online. Its really tough to maintain social profiles and keep fans, friends and followers engaged out there. So, IFTTT, a free online service will help you to automate content sharing and bookmarking on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many other social networking and bookmarking sites.
Now Following we will Tell you That How To Use This Technique
Have you ever hear about IFTTT?
Probably, most of the bloggers don’t know about this.
If anyone wants to create serious benefits out of there blog then they have to stand there brand, services in social media.
The social media inclusion for every brand, websites, blogs, industry, celebrity are very important.
For Bloggers, If they put very unique and effective articles on their websites but don’t share them to social media then they are really missing out of lot of traffic, lot of popularity and lot of benefits.
But, for we bloggers, it is very hard and time consuming to promote their content on social networks. So, we generally searched for some online services which will share our content automatically.
But maximum of “these type of services are not free”, and the services which are free, they lets us to share our content automatically in 2 or 3 social networks. was a great service which lets us to share our content in 25+ social network but now it is hired by sessmic ping which offers only 4-5 networks.
I was also searching something which can auto share my articles to social networks. Then I found IFTTT which meant :
It is the best service I ever found to automate my content sharing to 50+ social networks and bookmarking sites and it costs nothing. There are literally a total of 59 channels which includes your social networks, bookmarking sites and some other services like DropBox, Google Drive, GMail, SkyDrive etc.
I told 50+ because these other services are not helpful for us if we are considering automatic social sharing. However, these are helpful to store the content as file format in your account or computers.
What is IFTTT ?
IFTTT Action Channel, The “that” Part ;-)
The basic concept goes here is to create an “IFTTT recipe” which is a combination of two parts, “this” which is the trigger and “that” which is the action. Whenever “this” part get an trigger (update, ping etc) then the action you activated at “that” part will be performed.
In simple way, Whenever ‘This’ happens, ‘That’ will be performed.
How To Autoshare Using IFTTT ?
There are a total of different 59 channels which can be used as trigger channel and Action channels like RSS Feed, Blogger, WordPress, Twitter, GMail, Facebook, Facebook Pages and so on. You can connect as many accounts of Facebook, Twitter or else so as to enable 100 or 1000s of Auto sharing.
Here, I am telling you the way to create a IFTTT Recipe of
“RSS Feed —–>> Twitter”.
Step 1 : Sign Up To IFTTT.
Step 2 : Click on “Create” at the top bar.
Step 3 : Now, the game starts. you will see ifthisthanthat in large font. Click on “this” segment of the word.
Now, choose trigger channel from the available channels. It is the part of your recipe which will be used to start action whenever your trigger channel send a ping or update it’s content. Lets say we choose “Feed” as Trigger channel.
Step 4 : Enter your Feed Type and Address.
Step 5 : In The Same way choose that part and make Twitter as action channel by authorzing IFTTT App with your Twitter Account.
Step 6 : Design, how your sharing will be auto posted to twitter.
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